Farewell to Dr Irene Forsyth
Dr Irene Forsyth is retiring from general practice next month, her patients will be dispersed between the other Mahara Health GP's.
We are very grateful to have had her in the practice.

Annual Skin Clinic coming up
We are running our yearly skin clinic on Wednesday 3rd November for registered patients of Mahara Health.
This is a free clinic where you can come in and get a suspicious mole looked at. Please note, this is not a full body mole-map, appointments need to be booked and are for 5 minutes. If you require a procedure such as liquid nitrogen there will be a charge.
Call us on 04 908 1000 to book.
Mask Exemptions

We know that some people who have a disability or health condition may not be able to wear a face covering safely or comfortably. If you cannot wear one, you can get an exemption card. You can show your exemption card when needed.
You can request a card from the Disabled Persons Assembly NZ by contacting them on 04 801 9100 or emailing them at info@dpa.org.nz.

Virtual Consultations
We would like to remind patients that nurse phone consultations may have a charge, as well as My Indici consultations.
For our full fee schedule see our website:
Ngā mihi
The Mahara Health Team