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Writer's pictureMahara Health

COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) update

To date, New Zealand has twenty-eight confirmed cases of COVID-19. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has now classified COVID-19 as a pandemic. However, this does not change the risk status or our response as we have been working on the basis that COVID-19 is pandemic-like in all ways but name since January.

I’m writing to you with an update on what we’re doing to prioritise your health and safety when accessing health services from Mahara Health.

How to book an appointment:

Please ring through to reception if you need an appointment. As a precaution, if you arrive, without an appointment you’ll be asked to return to your car or home. The receptionist will place you on the Doctor Triage or Nurse Telephone queue. When you ring through to reception please do not be offended by the level of questions you will be asked. These questions enable reception to place you with the most appropriate member of our staff.


Have you spent time overseas in the last month? OR

Have you been close to someone diagnosed with the novel coronavirus?

Do you feel unwell now with ANY of these symptoms?

If you develop these symptoms while you are in New Zealand please stay at home.

FREE PHONE 0800 358 5453

OR MAHARA HEALTH 04 908 1000

Where possible our Doctors may book a video or telephone consultation with you.

If you have any flu-like symptoms, you will be advised by the Doctor over the telephone of the next steps. If the Doctor requires you to come down to the practice you may ask to stay in your car:

  1. Please ring the practice on 04 908 1000 when you are in the car park.

  2. The Doctor will then come out and provide you with a mask and escort you into the isolation room or triage you in your car. Please stay in your car until you are approached

  3. Normal charges will apply – Payment Method Accepted Accounts must be paid via online banking BJM Health ANZ 06 0592 0521300 00

Repeat Prescriptions:

When ordering repeat prescriptions from the reception/telephone script line. Please leave the pharmacy you would like your script sent to. As a precaution, we are offering to email your script to your pharmacy "at no cost to you". To do this we need to gain your consent to email your script to the pharmacy. Note there is a cost at the pharmacy end.

Normal charges will apply (emailing your script to your pharmacy is free of charge).

Payment Method Accepted Accounts must be paid via online banking BJM Health ANZ 06-0592-0521300-00

Keep you and your family safe

Our key public health messages that can assist in preventing our family from contracting COVID-19, include:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water often (for at least 20 seconds).

  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow or by covering your mouth and nose with tissues.

  • Put used tissues in the bin or a bag immediately.

  • Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean.

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects, such as doorknobs.

Please stay home if you feel unwell.

We are here to help and happy to answer your questions.

Stay safe,

Michelle Ingham

Practice Manager

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